Resolutions help determine Club policy.

Motions are proposed by members for debate at General Meetings, and voted on by those meetings. If approved, these motions become resolutions that must be followed by the Club, or express the opinion and will of the Club.

Resolutions currently in force are:

  1. The Supporters’ Club should continue to affiliate to the Brighton & Hove Albion official supporters’ clubs scheme.
  2. The Supporters’ Club regards its away travel service as one of the core functions in its mission to help members and others support the Albion, also recognising that it acts as an abundant means of recruiting new members. With a number of factors presenting difficulties, the Supporters’ Club expects the organiser to operate coaches according to sensible guidelines, and cautions that, if the service is shown to be grossly financially unviable in the long term, it will have to cease. However, in the short-to-medium term the Supporters’ Club is content to subsidise the service from its reserves, provided that the impact is no more than moderate.

1. The Supporters’ Club reaffirms its Resolution 2018/2 approved by the membership at AGM.

2. In the interests of good relations with the Football Club, this Annual Meeting of the Supporters’ Club authorises the Committee to apply for “official status” as a Brighton & Hove Albion supporters’ club according to the scheme promoted by the Football Club, provided that the Committee obtains satisfaction in writing on the following points within the scheme’s Agreement that would otherwise conflict with Resolution 2018/2:

a) That the Supporters’ Club will use its best endeavours to “ensure” members’ behaviour in accordance with Schedule 3 Section 3 of the Agreement, in particular by:

i) requiring, as a condition of membership, that its members conduct themselves in a responsible manner in accordance with the expectations set out in the Football Association’s Respect campaign from time to time when associated with the Club, the Football Club or football generally; and

ii) taking appropriate disciplinary action against any member who fails to conduct themselves in accordance with Schedule 3 Section 3 of the Agreement;

And that Brighton & Hove Albion accepts that these measures satisfy the requirement on the part of the Supporters’ Club to “ensure” members’ behaviour in Schedule 3 Section 3 of the Agreement.

b) That the Supporters' Club may continue to use its long-held constitutional name, “Brighton & Hove Albion Supporters’ Club”, and its seagull logo bearing the legend “Supporters’ Club”, including on any material it may produce, be it administrative, promotional, for sale or for distribution, without having to receive permission from Brighton & Hove Albion, in order to allow it to function properly, normally and independently.

The Committee is empowered either to continue or discontinue affiliation to this scheme at any time, but such decision must be approved by a simple majority vote of members at the following AGM.

3. The Supporters’ Club asks Brighton & Hove Albion to reaffirm the commitment given by the then Chief Executive (Martin Perry) on 26th February 2008 at a public meeting at Hove Town Hall, that facilities at the new stadium would be made available for supporters’ groups as of right and free of charge, as a gesture of thanks for the work and effort that supporters gave in helping to deliver the stadium; and that these facilities should be provided to bona fide supporters’ groups whether they have “official status” or not.

4. The Supporters’ Club thanks Liz Costa for her exceptional service to the Club since 1982, as a committee member, as an activist, and especially for running coaches to away matches (and home matches at Gillingham) for more than 23 years, from 1996 until 2020 – around 650 journeys. It fully endorses the presentation of the Inspiration Award named after the late Sarah Watts to her by Brighton & Hove Albion for the 2020/21 season. She is an inspiration.

1. The Supporters’ Club congratulates Brighton & Hove Albion on a tremendous season in 2017/18, and hopes for a similarly successful outcome to the club’s second campaign in the Premier League.

2. The Supporters’ Club believes strongly in its Rule 14 (“Relationship with the Football Club”). While it is very happy to work with Brighton & Hove Albion on many issues, it cherishes its independence from the Football Club and its right to criticise when required. The Supporters’ Club would not join any grouping which would result in these principles being eroded.

3. After campaigning for action on the problem of travelling fans standing in front of those who wish or need to sit at matches for more than 12 years, the Supporters’ Club thanks Brighton & Hove Albion for finally bringing it to the attention of other clubs and attempting to find a solution. While recognising that the club has no jurisdiction at other football grounds, we ask that Brighton & Hove Albion continues to use its good offices to bring about a change in current practices to end this discrimination against children and other short people, against the elderly and the infirm, against those who wish to obey the law, and against those who simply prefer to watch football sitting down.

  1. The Supporters’ Club congratulates and thanks Brighton & Hove Albion for a fantastic season in 2016/17, and looks forward to a challenging but successful future in the Premier League.

1. The Supporters’ Club thanks Brighton & Hove Albion for a fantastic season in 2015/16 – both men and women – and also for the club’s sympathetic, dignified and valued response to the Shoreham Air Disaster.

2. The Supporters’ Club thanks Liz Costa for running our coaches over 20 seasons and hopes she will do so for years to come – but always subject to the service not losing excessive money.

3. The Supporters’ Club recognises that the Away Supporters’ Player of the Season award, begun in 1991 and voted for across a season by fans travelling away on Supporters’ Club coaches, is a valid and now traditional award. The Supporters’ Club asks that it continue, and also asks the football club to accommodate the presentation of this award at the end of the season so that a good number of supporters can see it.

4. On those occasions when Brighton & Hove Albion asks supporters to arrive early for matches, the Supporters’ Club calls for greater clarity as to what exactly is meant, including the times that transport and stadium facilities will operate. If supporters are asked to arrive before the stadium is open, the Supporters’ Club asks for access to toilets to be provided and, in the case of inclement weather, some form of shelter.

5. The Supporters’ Club asks Brighton & Hove Albion to provide more hearing-loops for refreshment kiosks at the Amex Stadium.

1. The Supporters’ Club regrets the continuing problem of fans being unable to see at away games because of persistent standing by fellow Albion fans, and believes that the current situation discriminates against the short and the frail – and, by implication, the young and the old.

The Supporters’ Club asks all clubs to recognise that this is not just a one-off problem when Albion happen to play at a particular away ground, but a recurring problem that occurs week after week at Albion away games – a problem that deters some fans from supporting their club away from home.

While recognising that Brighton & Hove Albion has no jurisdiction at away grounds, the Supporters’ Club asks the Football Club to take a lead on this problem with other clubs.

The Supporters’ Club asks that consideration be given to ways to mitigate the problem, for instance by offering supporters a choice of “front” or “back” when buying away tickets, in the belief that those determined to stand will choose “back”, thereby leaving those that wish to sit the opportunity to do so at the front; the effect being that the total number of fans standing, and the likelihood of confrontation, is greatly reduced.

  1. Notwithstanding employment legislation and the need to follow statutory procedures, the Supporters’ Club believes that the Board’s handling of the off-field events during the close season involving management and coaching staff has been hugely damaging for the football club’s reputation, both locally and amongst the wider football fraternity, leaving many supporters feeling very disenchanted. The Supporters’ Club urges the Board to recognise this, and to work closely with supporter groups to gauge feedback on a regular and formal basis.

  1. The Supporters' Club congratulates Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club on the successful operation of the American Express Community Stadium in 2011/12; expresses its thanks for the expansion of the stadium and for the future training-centre, recognises that, for the first time in modern history, the Albion will soon have the infrastructure to match its undoubted potential; and looks forward to perhaps the most exciting period in the Albion's history.

1. The Supporters’ Club congratulates the Football Club on its championship-winning season and on ensuring that our first season at the new stadium will see Championship level football; for achieving this feat through consistently playing some of the most entertaining football ever witnessed by Brighton fans; for ensuring that the new stadium has been completed to a high specification, on time, and to budget; and for selling all season tickets for the new stadium in a manner that has been open, fair and largely free from criticism.

2. The Supporters’ Club asks the Football Club to recognise the Supporters’ Club as a democratic and representative body for Albion supporters; to meet regularly (at intervals to be agreed) in conjunction with the supporters’ groups; to consult with supporters’ groups representatives on any issue that will significantly affect supporters’ interest before any conclusive actions are taken; and to respond to requests by the supporters’ groups for meetings or discussions positively, sympathetically and courteously.

3. Members authorise BHA Supporters’ Club’s committee to, where necessary, purchase away match tickets for coach stewards when they would not have travelled unless required to do so to ensure cover on the coaches.

4. While regretting the fact that some supporters would be unable to watch the reserves, the Supporters’ Club asks Brighton & Hove Albion to consider rearranging Combination fixtures so that home games at Withdean Stadium are played in the afternoon, as the Supporters’ Club believes that it is only right and fair that the impact of Albion’s activities on athletics at Withdean is now minimised.

1. The Supporters' Club notes the continuing excellent progress at the new stadium at Falmer; congratulates the stadium project team, contractors and all other parties involved; welcomes the sponsorship by American Express; thanks Tony Bloom for his financial support of both the stadium and the football club; and looks forward to holding next year's AGM at the American Express Community Stadium.

2. The Supporters' Club thanks Brighton & Hove Albion for reaffirming the commitment made by the chief executive at Hove Town Hall in February 2008 to allow supporters' groups to stage events in rooms in the Community Stadium free of charge, and should seek that commitment in perpetuity.

3. The Supporters' Club welcomes the news that Gus Poyet has signed a four-year contract as manager; sees it as a sign of his faith in Brighton & Hove Albion and his commitment to help develop both the first team and the youth set-up; and also see it as a sign of the football club's faith in the manager and team.

4. The Supporters' Club welcomes the banning of the South Africa vuvuzuela from Withdean Stadium and other football grounds as it is not part of our football culture and drowns out natural chanting and banter between fans.

1. The Supporters’ Club expresses its utmost gratitude to Dick Knight for his immeasurable contribution to Brighton & Hove Albion over the past 12 years as chairman; agrees that that contribution should never be forgotten; and wishes him well for the future as Life President of the football club.

2. In 1999, the Supporters’ Club formally expressed its belief that “no one person should have control of Brighton & Hove Albion in the foreseeable future.” The Supporters’ Club recognises that the current circumstances, in which new Albion chairman Tony Bloom is largely funding the Community Stadium, could not have been foreseen; and recognises that, in any case, the context of Tony Bloom’s investment is wholly different to the circumstances that led to that 1999 policy. While agreeing that no one person having control is probably still ideal, the Supporters’ Club recognises Tony Bloom as a life-long Albion fan; welcomes his investment; expresses its utmost gratitude to him for that investment; and wishes him well for his tenure as chairman and custodian of Brighton & Hove Albion.

3. The Supporters’ Club thanks the Board of Brighton & Hove Albion, and Martin Perry and the stadium project team in particular, for the excellent progress being made on the new Community Stadium at Falmer, and looks forward to holding this meeting in the new venue in two years’ time.

  1. The Supporters’ Club congratulates and thanks the Board of Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club following confirmation of planning permission for the Community Stadium at Falmer; thanks all those supporters who helped with the campaign to achieve planning permission; greatly appreciates the huge amount of work that has been put in by the project team since permission was granted; understands that the project is highly complex to implement and that some slippage in the timetable is more or less inevitable; has faith in the current Board of Directors to see the project through to opening and beyond; will nevertheless be reassured by seeing building work commence at the earliest possible opportunity; and looks forward to the day in the not-too-distant future when the stadium opens.

  1. The Supporters’ Club welcomes the decision of the Secretary of State to grant planning permission for the community stadium at Falmer; calls upon all opposing parties to follow the lead of Lewes District Council in accepting the decision; urges all parties to work together to produce the best possible facility for the city and the county; congratulates the Board of Brighton & Hove Albion on the successful outcome; thanks the management and staff of the Albion and the team of consultants and lawyers assembled by the football club for their professionalism; thanks the Falmer For All campaign, the Seagulls Party and all supporters who gave their time or money to the campaign; applauds itself for the resources – funding, effort and expertise – it has contributed to the campaign; and expresses its deepest appreciation to Dick Knight and Martin Perry for their dedication and devotion to the Albion, which has enabled it to survive over the past decade and given it a future to look forward to.

1. The Supporters’ Club welcomes the decision of the Deputy Prime Minister to grant planning permission for the community stadium at Falmer; condemns the action of Lewes District Council and others in challenging the decision; applauds the formation of The Seagulls Party to act as a political voice for Albion fans; remains firmly behind the Board of Brighton & Hove Albion in their desire to give the football club a fitting home at Falmer; thanks the Falmer For All campaign team for its continuing efforts; hopes for a swift resolution of the High Court case; is confident of a positive outcome on the matter; and anticipates passing a congratulatory motion at the 2007 AGM.

2. The Supporters’ Club authorises the Committee to make such donations as it sees fit and within reason to The Seagulls Party, in order to support the campaign for a community stadium at Falmer and to further the interests of Albion supporters politically.

3. The Supporters' Club supports the Committee’s policy of condemning homophobic and other forms of anti-social chanting at matches, and calls on Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club to include prohibition thereof in its Ground Rules.

4. In line with the recent decision of the Football Supporters’ Federation no longer to advise supporters not to visit Milton Keynes Dons FC, the Supporters’ Club withdraws its policies concerning Wimbledon/Milton Keynes made at the 2002 AGM. The Supporters’ Club welcomes the proposed return of the “history” of Wimbledon FC to the London Borough of Merton; reaffirms its strong opposition to the concept of “franchising” in football; would support any member who chose to boycott a match against Milton Keynes Dons; regrets but understands the arrangement of the recent friendly match between Brighton & Hove Albion and Milton Keynes Dons; and would condemn the arrangement of any future friendly fixture between the two clubs for the foreseeable future.

  1. The Supporters’ Club reaffirms its support for the Albion board in its plans for Falmer; congratulates the Falmer For All Campaign for its efforts, especially at the Labour Party Conference; thanks Martin Perry and his team for once again presenting an excellent case at the reopened public inquiry; and looks forward to a swift and positive decision from the Deputy Prime Minister.

1. The Supporters’ Club congratulates the players, manager, staff and directors of Brighton & Hove Albion FC on last season’s promotion triumph.

2. The Supporters’ Club thanks the staff of Brighton & Hove Albion FC for their remarkable efforts in distributing almost 30,000 tickets within a few days for the play-off final, and for organising effective transport for thousands of supporters to Cardiff.

3. The Supporters’ Club continues to back plans for a new stadium at Falmer; thanks Dick Knight, Martin Perry, their staff and consultants for their outstanding work in continuing to present an excellent case; thanks all campaigners and volunteers for their efforts during the continuing campaign; looks forward to finally settling the argument over the best site; and trusts that the Deputy Prime Minister’s final decision will reflect the outstanding merits of the case for the community stadium at Falmer.

1. The Supporter’s Club congratulates Brighton & Hove Albion on presenting the best possible case at the Public Inquiry and continues to back the Albion board in its plans for a new stadium at Falmer.

2. Following the FSF Conference, the supporters’ club requests that Brighton & Hove Albion and Sussex Police work together to jointly introduce a matchday text-messaging system to enable supporters to report anti-social or racist behaviour at Withdean Stadium as it happens.

1. The Supporters’ Club congratulates the players, staff and directors of Brighton & Hove Albion on winning a second successive championship, an achievement made all the more remarkable by the challenging burdens of facilities, planning applications and all-ticket matches combined with the usual day-to-day demands on a football club.

2. The Supporters’ Club congratulates Brighton & Hove Albion and the Falmer For All Campaign Team for securing an 11-1 vote at the recent council meeting, and continues to back the Albion board in its plans for a new stadium at Falmer.

3. The Supporters’ Club calls upon Brighton & Hove Albion to introduce a pricing policy at the new stadium that will allow supporters of limited means to attend matches regularly.

4. The Supporters’ Club re-affirms its belief that Ian Chapman and Les Rogers should be granted a testimonial match, and asks the board of Brighton & Hove Albion to arrange such a match at the earliest opportunity.

5. The Supporters’ Club condemns the decision of the FA Commission to support the effective destruction of Wimbledon FC by allowing the move to Milton Keynes. The Supporters’ Club resolves:

a) to offer support to Wimbledon fans in their continued attempt to oppose the move;

b) to take action at home games against Wimbledon FC to demonstrate its opposition to football franchising;

c) to call upon the FA and the Football League to fight this decision in any way possible;

d) to call upon the directors of Brighton & Hove Albion to support an EGM to oppose the move and to consider options for continuing to fight it;

e) if requested by Wimbledon supporter organisations, to promote and publicise a boycott of away matches against the current Wimbledon FC at Milton Keynes, Selhurst Park or any other venue until such time as plans for the move are withdrawn, unless considered imprudent by the Committee;

f) to recognise that a decision to boycott such a match must be left to individuals.

[Note that this resolution has been superseded by Resolution 2006/4.]

6. The Supporters’ Club normally organises transport to all away matches. In the event of a Supporters’ Club boycott of away matches against Wimbledon FC it should not organise transport to such a match.

1. This Club congratulates Brighton & Hove Albion FC on its considerable successes last season, including the first team, the under-17s and the women’s team.

2. This Club congratulates Brighton & Hove Albion FC on its centenary, thanks it for playing a significant part in the community for the last 100 years, and hopes and trusts that it will do so throughout the next century.

3. This Club continues to back the Board in its quest to secure a permanent home for the Albion at Falmer, welcomes the fact that the necessary funding has been identified, looks forward to the early submission of the planning application, and calls on all parties involved to play their part in securing planning permission.

4. This Club congratulates Ian Chapman on his appointment as manager of Whitehawk FC, and urges the Board of Brighton & Hove Albion to stage a testimonial match for him and Les Rogers in recognition of their service to the football club.

  1. This Club congratulates the Board of Brighton & Hove Albion on the success of the temporary stadium at Withdean and expresses its utmost faith in the Board to secure a permanent home at Falmer.
  2. This Club calls on all supporters strictly to observe the traffic cordon at Withdean, and brands those that ignore it as anti-Albion.
  3. This Club asks the Board of Brighton & Hove Albion to include standing accommodation in the new stadium at Falmer if it is allowed and feasible.
  4. This Club believes that the decision of the National Federation of Supporters’ Clubs to approve the application for membership by the Football Supporters Association is in the best interest of all football fans.
  5. This Club recognises the hard work and outstanding achievements of Brighton & Hove Albion’s Youth Team and Centres of Excellence, both by players and staff. This Club also calls on the Board and relevant staff of Brighton & Hove Albion to keep up their fight against the poaching of young players.
  6. This Club calls upon our Euro MPs to press for changes in the European Union so that all members states must charge football hooligans when they commit crimes and not just throw offenders out of the country. This Club also calls upon the European Parliament to authorise member states to remove the passports of known hooligans during any major football match or tournament and to set sanctions that said offenders must report to their local police station on the day of any applicable match.

1. This Club congratulates the Board and supporters of Brighton & Hove Albion in “Bringing Home the Albion” and backs plans for a permanent stadium for the community at Falmer.

2. This Club believes that no one person should have control of Brighton & Hove Albion in the foreseeable future.

3. This Club calls upon the Board of Brighton & Hove Albion to extend ownership of the Football Club to “ordinary” supporters.